When I first started teaching (Feb.1991) it was in Adult Education and I was doing one class per week. As time went on I decided it was time to sit my Teaching Exam and completed this in November 1997. I continued with Adult Education until 2013 when, due to funding, the project ended. Seeing the end of this project coming I decided to start teaching in a local Bowling Club
I now have various classes each week - different levels starting at Absolute Beginner .
Due to my love of Country Music by far the biggest majority of dances I teach are to Country Music, this works for me as everyone who comes along enjoys the music.
My classes are all in Paisley - each has a different, but equally wonderful, group of people coming along each week.
I held my first Country Music night in 1986 the band was Tommy Truesdale & The Sundowners. At the start the nights were every couple of months however over the years the popularity of these nights has grown.
Along with Iain we have introduced many people from the classes to Live Country Music nights which we now hold regularly in Abercorn Bowling Club, Paisley.
We host Spring Into Country a fabulous one day festival of Country Music & Dance
We also host an annual Country Music weekend in September – this is currently held in
The Inn on The Prom, Lytham St Annes, a great, fun and relaxing weekend with live music Fri & Sat
Contact details – Joan 07814 371115 or cmibuk@yahoo.co.uk